Indiana College Core
Did you know LT students can earn a 30 hour block of credit from IU Bloomington by taking classes in LT?
Lawrence Township students are now able to pursue the Indiana College Core via Indiana University - Bloomington. Upon completion, students earn a block of 30 hours of college credit through Indiana University Bloomington. The College Core is comprised of college level courses taught by LT faculty with support from IU Bloomington.
The Indiana University Bloomington Indiana College Core is a milestone that represents a 30-hour block of academic credit from Indiana University. To reach the milestone, students take an approved program of study that meets the requirements set forth by IU Bloomington. The ICC offers a significant cost savings for students and families. The 30-hour block of ICC Credit is guaranteed to transfer to any public university in the state of Indiana.
How much does it cost to pursue the IUB-ICC through Lawrence Township Schools?
For LT Students, all IUB ACP Tuition fees are waived. However, for most ACP courses technology, textbook, and textbook fees still apply. LT Schools makes funds available to support students by covering any non-tuition related costs for ACP Courses.
Do students that earn the IUB-ICC get automatically admitted into IU Bloomington?
Achieving the IUB-ICC does not guarantee admission into Indiana University Bloomington. However, all credits earned via the IUB-ICC are placed on an official Indiana University Bloomington transcript that may be requested via the University. While these credits do not directly earn admission into any college or university, they hold the same weight in admissions decisions as would the equivalent on-campus college credit.
What is the difference between the IUB-ICC and Indiana University - Advanced College Project (ACP) Courses?
The IUB-ICC is a credential earned by successfully completing a program of study that included a minimum of 15 Credit Hours of IU ACP coursework. Each of the ACP courses is considered a dual-credit course. This means that students earn college credit for these courses. However, not all colleges and universities accept this credit in the same way. By earning the IUB-ICC, students are guaranteed by Indiana Law that the credit earned will be recognized by public colleges and universities in Indiana.
Why did Lawrence Township choose Indiana University Bloomington as the exclusive provider of the ICC for LT?
Lawrence Township has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with Indiana University Bloomington via the ACP Program. The result is that LT has an existing robust offering of dual-credit/ACP courses via Indiana University. Given this existing relationship and the high market value of Indiana University credit, we are excited about the benefits a deeper partnership with IU Bloomington represents for our students and families.
How do I learn more?
Interested students and families should contact their school counselor.