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Kindergarten - Grade 12

Your pathway, from start to finish.

Your child is unique and so are our educational pathways. Lawrence Township guides students along on their individual paths starting early, ensuring a strong education in a progressive learning setting. 


New families will need to create a Skyward Account

Skyward gives parents the ability to track their student’s progress throughout the year. Parents can see missing work, grades, attendance and discipline, as well as access to past report cards.

Complete the New Student Account Request Form to create a temporary Skyward account. An email will be sent to the email address provided that will include: A Username and Password Reset link, and link for the Parent/Guardian to access the Skyward New Student Enrollment Portal.

Create skyward Account

Already have a Skyward Family Access Login?

Log in using your Username and Password. Use the drop down arrow next to the house icon to choose New Student Enrollment. Select the tile for New Student Enrollment, then follow steps below to "enroll online."

Login to skyward Family Access


According to policy set by the Indiana Department of Education, a child must be five years of age by October 1, of the year they enroll, to enter kindergarten.  

Elementary Schools (Grades 1 - 6)

Elementary students will be assigned to their neighborhood school identified by the Elementary Schools Boundary Map at time of enrollment.  Those wishing to attend an elementary other than their boundary school should complete the Choice Application Process (CAP). Please see additional information below. 

Middle & High Schools (Grades 7 - 12)

The middle school a student attends will track them to attend the affiliate high school. Belzer Middle School students will attend Lawrence Central High School and Fall Creek Valley Middle School students will attend Lawrence North High School. 

Students who are new to the MSD of Lawrence Township will be assigned to their neighborhood school identified by the Secondary Schools Boundary Map at time of enrollment. 

Click here to access the Middle School Boundary Map.
Click here to access the High School Boundary Map. 

Those wishing to attend a secondary school other than their boundary school should complete the Resident Transfer Form.  See additional information below. 

Additional Information


NAEYC Accreditation helps families recognize quality early learning programs and feel comfortable knowing that their children are receiving a high-quality, research-based education that will prepare them for future success.

Paths to Quality

Level 4 National Accreditation - Level 4 programs are the highest rated programs and have demonstrated a commitment to the highest level of professionalism in high quality child care